- development of geodetic networks with local function;
- creation of a working geodetic base for settlements and at special sites;
- development of cadastre maps and cadastre registries;
- development of specialized maps and plans;
- development and maintenance of plans for underground and above ground lines and installations;
- examination and assessment for possibility of deformations in broadcast towers, antenna mountings, bridges and other installations and buildings of importance;
- development of detailed urbanisation plan and town planning scheme.
For conducting geodesy and cadastre works (See the gallery), the company has at its disposal experienced full-time employees. The work is carried out with modern geodetic installations - dual-frequency GPS receivers, total stations, incl. a no-reflection one, a digital gradienter.

The processing of measurements and creation of digiral models are done by lincensed software products, including the developed by Transgeo Ltd. program TG Cad.