Are you aware that the preparation of digital cadastral map for Vazrazhdane District has already begun?
Since August and in relation to Order No РД-16-16 dated 20.08.2014 of the Executive Director of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, the company TRANSGEO Ltd., in consortium with the company MAPEX JSC, have started the preparation of a cadastral map and registers for Vazrazhdane District of Sofia Municipality.
The period for preparation is 9 months.
In order to inform the society, we have started an explanatory campaign for the real estates’ owners, regarding their liabilities for the preparation of cadastre on the territory of Vazrazhdane District. 9500 Information brochures were distributed to all the interested persons.In case that you are an owner of a real estate on the territory of Vazrazhdane District, please see our information brochure.
Our activities within the project implementation:
The presence of the owners of properties on the territory of Vazrazhdane District is necessary. For this objective, we have prepared schedules, under which the activity will be performed. Please see the schedules here. The schedules will be available at the Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadastre office, Sofia (, as well as in the municipality building, Vazrazhdane District (
From the real estates’ owners will be required to present copies of documents for ownership of properties, buildings and private sites/facilities, as well as copies of architectural designs for buildings with private sites/facilities.
The deadline for the documents submission is from 01.11.2014to 01.12.2014.
The place for the documents submission is the building of Vazrazhdane District, Sofia on address 62 Al. Stambolyiski Blvd., ground floor (,
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, each owner is interested to assist and follow the correct reflection of his real estate in the newly prepared cadastral map! For this objective are foreseen deadlines for errors and gaps elimination – please see art. 46 of the Cadastre and Property Register Act.