By ORDER, No РД-16-16 dated 20.08.2014 of the Executive Director of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency was opened a procedure on the preparation of CADASTRAL MAP AND CADASTRAL REGISTERS for the territory of VAZRAZHDANE DISTRICT, Sofia Municipality, and Sofia area.
The qualified persons to whom was assigned the preparation of cadastral map and cadastral registers are MAPEX JSC, entered into the register under art. 12, it. 8 of the Cadastre and Properties Register Act (CPRA) by Order No 300-2-121 dated 02.04.2002 and TRANSGEO Ltd., entered into the register under art. 12, it. 8 of the CPRA by Order No 791 dated 31.08.2001.
Based on art. 38, par.1 of Ordinance No 3 to the Cadastre and Properties Register (CPRA) the owner (physical or legal person) shall:
Ensure free access to the property for performing the works on the cadastre;
Indicate with permanent signs the outlines of the property as per the act, which establish the right of property or other material right and to keep the signs against destruction.
The geodesic measurements and the survey of the owners will start from 01.11.2014 and performed under schedules, which will be announced at the building of the Geodesy, cartography, and cadastre office (GCCO) – Sofia in the municipality building- Vazrazhdane District.
In order to reflect the information related to the rights on the real estates is necessary within the announced deadline to present copies of your ownership documents, data on the administrative address and owners data.
We do inform you that the copies of the documents for ownership of properties, buildings and private sites/facilities as well as copies of the architectural designs for buildings with private sites/facilities could be submitted within the period from 01.11.2014 to 01.12.2014 in the building of Vazrazhdane District, Sofia, 62 Al. Stambolyiski Blvd.– ground floor.
Within the preparation of CMCR are being prepared schemes for private sites/facilities in buildings (apartments, garages, shops, offices etc.).