Employer: National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC), Bulgaria
Period: January 2017 – January 2018

Project goals:

Increasing the design speed up to 130 km/h.

Scope of the project:
  • Preparation and submission of a detailed design;
  • Construction works with scope: Activities on the railway line, including drainage, signaling and telecommunication activities, catenary and adjacent equipment activities, structures activities and reconstruction of the existing power line 20 kV;
  • Author’s supervision;
  • Final project;
  • Permanent benchmarking;
  • As-built documentation;
  • Preparation of the railway infrastructure data for recording in the GIS of NRIC including documentation for a certificate under Art. 54a of the Law regarding the cadaster and the property register (LKPR), in regard to Art.175 of the Law on spatial planning (LSP);
As a partner of Consortium “SET“, Trangeo Ltd performed:

Preparation of a detailed design, management and technical assistance in the execution of the signaling and telecommunications activities, catenary, author's supervision, geodesic support during the construction, final project, permanent benchmarking, as-built documentation, preparation of the railway infrastructure data for recording in the GIS of NRIC including documentation for a certificate under Art. 54a of the LKPR, in regard to Art.175 of the LSP.