Employer: SE "Transport Construction and Restoration"
Period: July 2016 – ongoing
Contractor: Consortiums "ERTE" including the companies: "RUBICON ENGINEERING" EAD and "TRANSGEO" Ltd.
STAGE 1 – completed
- Assessment of the conformity of all parts of the investment project with the essential requirements for the constructions in the volume defined in Art. 142, para 5 of the LSP, completing and submitting on behalf of the Contracting Authority the complete documentation for coordination and approval of the project by the competent authorities;
- Issuance of Building Permit in September 2017.
- Performance of construction supervision in the mandatory scope of Art. 168 of the LSP;
- Performance of a control of the input construction products used by the Contractor in accordance with Art. 169a, para 1 Art. 169b, paragraph 1 of the LSP;
- Performing the functions of a coordinator of safety and health, according to the requirements of Ordinance №2 / 22.03.2004. of MRDPW;
- Drafting a technical passport for the construction.